THE MAKING OF MEANING (Winter 2009-10)

Classes at Congregation Eitz Chayim

How Do Jews Make Meaning?  Three part series looking at the meaning of biblical texts, rabbinic interpretations, and how we as modern Jews make meaning.
Study of Hannah Narrative, Bathsheba/David, and Song of Songs.

Penina will guide participants in wrestling with the meaning of a biblical text counterpoised with a complementary rabbinic text. How do the Rabbis subtly or not so subtly interpose their own meanings on the biblical text? What can we learn about how we interpose our meanings and about how we make meaning for ourselves as modern Jews?

Date: October 25, 2009
Title: Part 1: The Hannah Narrative: “I Am a Woman of Stubborn Spirit”
Description: Hannah, the mother of Samuel, is held up in Jewish tradition as a model of prayer. But who is she? How and why is she a model?  The biblical text highlights her bitter and afflicted soul. Using texts from Samuel and various midrashim, Penina will guide us in a study of Hannah’s struggle to reveal her stubborn spirit to herself and to learn to pour out her soul in prayer.
Date: November 15, 2009
Title: Part 2: Bathsheba and David
Description: The relationship between Batsheva and David is fraught with ambiguity. Was Batsheva a victim or a victor? Was David a hero or a heel? If Batsheva was not barren, could their son Solomon have been a rightful hero-king? Why does the story in Samuel and Kings differ from the story in Chronicles? Through storytelling and a close reading of the few short texts where Batsheva appears in Samuel and Kings (and where she doesn’t appear in Chronicles) Penina will present the story of Batsheva and David and will encourage all present to come to their own conclusions about these two monarchs.
Date: January 10, 2010
Title: Part 3: The Song of Songs: “And Fire Flashed all Around
Description: According to Song of Songs Rabbah, when the Rabbis linked up the words of the Torah with those of the Prophets and the Prophets with the Writings, “the fire flashed around them.” Why is this statement in the Midrash about Song of Songs?   How do the Rabbis link up Song of Songs with the Torah, to produce a reading that flashes with fire?   We will explore the meaning of “Love is stronger than death” (SoS 8:6). Texts will be taken from Song of Songs, SoS Rabbah and Genesis.


Classes at Congregation Eitz Chayim
Four part series looking at Hannah’s story in the haftarah for the first day of Rosh Hashanah.
Hannah was a remarkably independent biblical woman who was among a small and elite group of women who were called prophets in the Jewish tradition. She was barren until her prayers were answered and she gave birth to Samuel. Her story has resounding relevance to Jews of every age.

  • Bible – Close study of I Samuel 1:1 – 2:10 in English with reference to Hebrew
  • Rabbinics – Selected texts (in English) from Talmud and Midrash.
  • Hasidism: R. Nachman of Breslov on Rosh Hashanah
  • Contemporary commentary.


Classes at Congregation Eitz Chayim
Three part series, introducing source materials from the Jewish tradition (in English) and posing questions about values

  • What does our Tradition say about Oral Torah and about Torah study? Maimonides on studying Torah, and the Sefat Emet on Genesis and the Oral Torah.
  • How do we deal with texts that conflict with our values? Judith Plaskow on Hosea, and Art Green on the Sefat Emet
  • How do the texts help us to find and/or live with our values? Concepts of tikkun olam and tzedakah; teachings from modern Jewish social activists

Ruach HaYam Shabbaton Retreat November 15, 2014

Ruach HaYam Shabbaton Retreat November 15, 2014


Miriam dancing at the crossing of the Red Sea. Chludov Psalter. 9th century.

What is the Ruach HaYam Shabbaton? One of last year’s participants describes it as:

 Creating a midrash at Lunch! Telling Stories! Smashing Boundaries! Davening in a Queer Space!

Ruach HaYam, in partnership with Congregation Am Tikva, and with the co-sponsorship of Congregation Eitz Chayim and Keshet, is presenting our second full day Shabbat retreat for LGBTQ Jews and friends and family on November 15, 2014, from 9:30am to 7:30pm.  Retreat is directed by Penina Weinberg and will be held at Congregation Eitz Chayim, 136 Magazine Street, Cambridge, MA 02139.

We also invite you to join Congregation Eitz Chayim for Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, November 14 at 7pm.  We will be honoring Transgender Day of Remembrance with Shana Aisenberg as a featured speaker.


View comments from last year’s Retreat here!

Refresh your spirit and make new friends in this fabulous day of egalitarian davening, creative and thoughtful workshops, and delicious kosher food.  We close out the Shabbat retreat with Havdalah and community meal.

Ruach HaYam is the Spirit of the Sea – is Miriam, Moses, and the mixed multitude, for the first time crossing over, transcending boundaries.
We are Jews (and friends and family) of all gender identities and expressions, rearranging and transcending our boundaries.  Ruach HaYam also calls to mind how near we are to the sea in New England.

Please join our event on facebook and/or become a member of Ruach HaYam group to stay in touch throughout the year.

Schedule for November 15, 2014
(see below for faculty and leader biographies)


9:30 am to Noon – Led by members of Congregation Am Tikva with chants led by Shana Aisenberg.  Siddur for Shabbaton prepared by Marvin Kabakoff and Penina Weinberg.  D’var Torah given by Laurie Shapiro.


Noon to 1:30 pm


1:45 to 3:00 – Laurie Wolfe.  Laying it All Out…..Seeing Our Relationships to Groups and People in our Lives.  Talk (with Participation!) and Activities.
We are in association with one another, and may also be in social groups; family/ies, communities, organizations, associations, etc. They show up in social networking and email contacts as labels, but we rarely get the opportunity to see them at once. We will start out by discussing the different communities we have in our lives or would like to and then spend time putting them in perspective by placing them on a personal map. In doing this we will have a picture that can help us see where we are and who we are, and perhaps notice things we’d like to change or come up with a new destination.

3:00 to 3:30 – Mimi Yasgur. Time for a 7th inning stretch! Loosen those muscles and take a moment… We’ll do some simple stretching and breathing, and we’ll get your circulation flowing for the next activity!

3:45 to 5:15 – Marla Brettschneider  The Jewish Phenomenon in Sub-Saharan Africa: Multiple and Conflicting Discourses
In Sub-Saharan Africa there is a shift so far reaching it can only be called a phenomenon.  Millions of people are exploring their relationships to Jewishness, Judaism, Jewish texts and the history of the Jewish people.  Many do not know that they are part of any broader phenomenon than their own, or own communities’, journeying.  We will look at this movement in a spirit of appreciation and curiosity and ponder how we may be more accepting and open to the vibrancy of Jewishness, our cousins and neighbors, and life itself.  We will consider how this diverse and multi-level movement can inform our queerly diverse and multi-level lives.

5:30 to 5:45- Havdalah (Halachic Havdalah 5:13pm) and Closing Circle – Mimi Yasgur

6:00  – Meal/ Melave Malka

Retreat Director
Penina WeinbergIMG_4002
Penina Weinberg is an independent biblical scholar who
is President Emeritus of Congregation Eitz Chayim, and on the board of Organic Torah.  Her Masters Degree at Hebrew College concentrated on women-centered readings of biblical texts. Current studying and teaching focus a queer lens on the intersection of gender and power in the Hebrew Bible.  Penina teaches in Boston area synagogues, and often leads workshops for Nehirim and Keshet. This is her second year as Retreat Director.


Congregation Am Tikva
Congregation Am Tikva, since 1976,Am Tikva Black2 has been providing a safe and welcoming space for GLBT Jews in the Boston area to pray together and to socialize. It created its own gender-neutral prayerbooks and customs for Friday evening services, the high holidays, and special events, such as the Erev Pride Liberation Seder. Am Tikva is a mixture of genders and sexualities who come from a variety of Jewish backgrounds. The services reflect that variety. Am Tikva offers two Friday evening services a month, one more contemporary and one more traditional, as well as High Holiday services and celebrations of other queer and Jewish holidays.


Faculty and Leaders
Shana Aisenberg
Shana Aisenberg is an acoustic musician, singer, Shana
composer, songwriter and writer. She has metamorphosed many times throughout her career, both artistically and personally. Shana plays diverse styles from traditional Appalachian, Celtic and New England contradance music to eastern European Klezmer, Balkan, blues and jazz. She plays a wide array of stringed instruments including fiddle, mandolin, bouzouki, acoustic guitar, 5 string banjo, fretted dulcimer, ukulele, and Middle Eastern frame drums. Shana performs with Beverly Woods in the duo String Equinox. Shana’s unique life journey greatly informs all her activities, from teaching and performing music, her writings on gender, to her spirituality and community building.
Marla BrettschneiderMarla
Marla Brettschneider is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of New Hampshire with a joint appointment in Political Science and Women’s Studies. She is founder and past Coordinator of Queer Studies and has long been serving as Coordinator of Women’s Studies. Marla has written widely on Jewish politics, queer and other diversity matters. Her most recent book The Family Flamboyant: Race Politics, Queer Families, Jewish Lives (SUNY 2006) won an IPPY (Independent Book Publishers Award) in the GLBT category.
Marvin KabakoffMarvin Kabakoff
Marvin Kabakoff graduated from Brandeis and received a Ph.D. in history from Washington University-St. Louis.  He has long been employed as an archivist with the National Archives and Records Administration at their regional facility in Waltham, and is an adjunct in the Simmons LIbrary School.  Marvin attended a community Hebrew school and Hebrew High School in New Haven, and has been a long-time service leader at Am Tikva.
Laurie ShapiroLaurie Shapiro
Laurie Shapiro is a graduate of Brandeis University and Hebrew College. Laurie enjoyed leading services with Marvin, Henry and other members of Am Tikva in decades past. Laurie has been a religious school director and teacher for more than twenty years. Congregation Eitz Chayim is her current spiritual home.
Laurie Wolfe Bilicious_LaurieWolfe_100px
Laurie Wolfe (Liora) is a writer/performer, speaker/trainer and social activist. She has served on one board and in numerous committees, panels, training and speaking gigs with SpeakOut Boston, the Bisexual Resource Center, Keshet, the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition and on her own. Her writings have appeared in Bi Women and The Pride Haggadah. You can catch her latest act about the trials and tribulations of being born in the right body in Bilicious Boston on December 5th and 6th at Club Café. ( for more details
Mimi YasgurMimi water
Mimi Yasgur, M.A., is an expressive arts therapist and  mental health counselor. She is the Senior Services Clinician and group therapist at the New England Center for Homeless Veterans. She enjoys integrating her passions for art, Judaism, and spirituality to create vibrant community.

Ruach HaYam Retreat October 19, 2013 was Fabulous

Our Ruach HaYam retreat in 2013 was a huge success.
Read the comments from participants.

Retreat as a whole

  • “The whole event was very enjoyable and successful in community building which I think there needs to be more of in general for the LGBT Jewish community. It’s a very inclusive and welcoming event to someone like myself who traveled all the way from New York City… I thought the whole thing was a success and can’t wait to see you next year.”
  • “A breath of life into Judaism”
  • “This was a wonderful retreat. Thank you for organizing!”
  • “Great to be together with other queer Jews.  Thoughtful selection of workshops and I liked that it was a partnership between different groups in putting this on.  You created an atmosphere that really let people be at home.”
  • “I gained much significant insight from the services, workshops and wonderful interactions with other people attending”
  • “Loved it.”
  • “Excellent way to spend the day”
  • “Well organized. Good co-sponsoring with other organizations.  Friendly atmosphere. Excellent example of building local thoughtful Jewish queer community.”
  • “The food was excellent!!!”   “Delicious!”  “We even came up with a queer midrash at our table.”  “Really good food and interesting conversation.  And a chance to meet new people.”

Morning Services with Am Tikva

  • “A sweet service.”
  • “It was really nice to have the diversity and participation of the members.”
  • “I really liked the explanations and commentary that was provided throughout the service. I used to always go to synagogue and listen to the services all in Hebrew and not really understand what was going on so to have someone stop in the middle and explain exactly what it was that they were doing was an interesting change and I liked it.”

Workshop 1: Gender Detours (interactive story-telling) with Laurie Wolfe

  • “I liked the small group work – great way to get to know each other and share our stories.”
  • “Fantastic… Really made me feel connected.”
  • “Wonderful opportunity to discuss our common gender/coming out stories. Laurie did a great job at the beginning of leading a large group discussion. I learned a lot and made many connections from the smaller groups as well. This was the best part of the day by far!!!”

Workshop 2: Smashing Binaries: Gold Meir, with Dr. Marla Brettschneider

  • “Excellent workshop, very thought provoking discussion on multiple levels.”
  • “Totally fascinating and well prepared.”
  • “Marla did a great job in facilitating a fascinating discussion of gender boundaries.”
  •  “People got very engaged and participated in a really nice discussion.”

Havdalah with Jeremy Sher Service Leader and Shana Aisenberg Music Leader

  • “I very much enjoyed the Havdalah Service!”
  • “I liked the way the Jeremy spoke and how he tied the ritual together. And I really liked the Miriam song!”
  • “One of my favorite services, and really well done.  I like the idea of multiple havdalah candles.”  “Very well-done and inclusive service.”
  • “Shana is full of joy and passion, and I really enjoyed listening to her play and dancing with folks.”
  • “I really enjoyed hearing the music that Shana had written and played for us.”

Study 1 Kings with Penina on January 8, 2014

We had an amazing discussion in our class on December 18, 2013, about the Presence, corporeal or otherwise, of the Divine in the Temple.   Who, or what exactly came into the Temple once Solomon built it?  And was Solomon sort of Moses-like, or was he trying to cloak himself in Moses’ mantle for political reasons?   On January 8, 2014, we will pick up the discussion at 1 Kings 8.43.

By Jan 15 we should be up to the Queen of Sheba.  I read the opening stanza from “The Visit of the Queen of Sheba” by Yehuda Amichai 12/18/13.  I must say it was variously received.  We’ll look at it again on January 15th.  Come hear it for yourself and express your own opinions!

As always, no Hebrew is required, learning is at all levels.  Feel free to bring wine or other beverage and snacks.    See you at 7:30pm at Congregation Eitz Chayim, 136 Magazine Street, Cambridge, MA.

Rosh Hashanah Speech 2013

Speech I gave as President to Congregation Eitz Chayim, Fall 2013


Thanks to Rabbi Stern, Cantor Debby Gelber, School Director Laurie Shapiro, Administrator Judy Lavine, Interim Adminstrator Dennis Friedler, the High Holy Day crew, represented by our venue coordinator, Armond Cohen, to the Board of Directors and the Committee Chairs, and many individuals whose hard work throughout the year has once again brought us to the space to celebrate the New Year together.   Welcome to members and visitors who are celebrating with us.

What I wanted to talk about today, is what it takes to build and sustain our remarkable Congregation. By way of preface, I remind us all that this year, like any other year, we celebrate victories in the public sphere, but we sometimes despair of completing our dreams.   Marriage equality moves forward, but trans folk still do not have the protection of law that guarantees free access in public accommodations; Egypt holds free elections, and the military deposes the president;  We celebrate 50 years since Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the 1963 March on Washington, with an African American President and Attorney General, while the Supreme Court overturns key provisions in the Voters Rights Act of 1965.

What we do here at Eitz Chayim is: we create a Jewish home, within which we can educate our children, study as adults, worship, support our members throughout the lifecycle and work on tikkun olam, repair of the world.

Our texts teach us what it takes to building the building.   In Exodus, the children of Israel built the Mishkan, the itinerant tabernacle. God gave them an exact blueprint in advance, and they followed that blueprint. They participated with from a willing heart, nediv lev – they willingly brought the fruits of their labors, their jewels and treasure, and they had the advantage of knowing exactly what to do.

Fast forward to Solomon, who built the Temple in Jerusalem. Those of you who study the book of Kings with me this year will go into this story in great detail, but I want to highlight a few things. Solomon did not have a divine blueprint; Solomon was immensely wealthy; amongst the laborers were courve, or forced laborers.   Solomon built the temple according to his plan, with his wealth, and not everyone came with a willing heart. Yet this was the temple that endured for over 1000 years, being rebuilt once. Because, look here, Solomon says in 1 Kings:

1 Kings Ch 8, [17] Now it was in the heart of David my father to build a house for the name of the Eternal, the God of Israel. [18] But the Eternal said to David my father: Whereas it was in your heart to build a house for my name, you did well that it was in your heart; [19] nevertheless you will not build the house; but your son that shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house for My name.

Now, David had to be disappointed not to build that temple. One day while I was pondering my remarks for today, I was listening on the radio, and I head a very familiar voice talking about what God might have said to David:

“You had the desire to do it; you had the intention to do it; you tried to do it; you started to do it. And I bless you for having the desire and the intention in your heart. It is well that it was within thine heart.”

The speaker went on to say:

So many of us in life start out building temples: temples of character, temples of justice, temples of peace. And so often we don’t finish them. Because life is like Schubert’s “Unfinished Symphony.” At so many points we start, we try, we set out to build our various temples. And I guess one of the great agonies of life is that we are constantly trying to finish that which is unfinishable…

And each of you this morning in some way is building some kind of temple. The struggle is always there. It gets discouraging sometimes. It gets very disenchanting sometimes. Some of us are trying to build a temple of peace. We speak out against war, we protest, but it seems that your head is going against a concrete wall. It seems to mean nothing. And so often as you set out to build the temple of peace you are left lonesome; you are left discouraged; you are left bewildered.

Well, that is the story of life. And the thing that makes me happy is that I can hear a voice crying through the vista of time, saying: “It may not come today or it may not come tomorrow, but it is well that it is within thine heart. It’s well that you are trying.”

Clipped on 26-August-2013, 11:02:27 PM from “Unfulfilled Dreams”**

That speaker was Dr Martin Luther King, 1968, in a sermon called Unfulfilled Dreams. Now, I say: This is a different kind of heart, David’s heart, what I call the prophetic heart, which he passed to Solomon, lev shomea, a heart of understanding, a seeing mind. David inherited that heart from his great grandmother, Ruth; he was anointed as king by the prophet Samuel, whose great heart came from his mother Hannah.

So what does that tell us?   We don’t have a perfect blueprint laid out for us to build our temple, our shul. Neither do we have the wealth of Solomon, although we have very generous members and friends. Still, there is a form of a blueprint on our hearts, on our lev shomea and there is strength in our hands and in our willingness of heart, nediv lev.

A President of Eitz Chayim, I urge you to bring your willing hearts, and your understanding hearts and to remember throughout the year, that in order for Eitz Chayim to continue to be a home for all of us, generous contributions of talent and financial support are needed.   Whether you are a member, or a visitor who counts on finding Eitz Chayim when you need us, please help out during out appeals, and don’t hesitate to phone the office if you have a special talent you would like to share.

We CAN build our shul, AND we need to give ourselves a break as we navigate the chasm between our dreams and our realities, as outlined by Dr Martin Luther King. In the well-known words of our own sage, Rabbi Tarfon: “It is not incumbent upon you to complete the work, but neither are you at liberty to desist from it.

L’shanah tova

Ruach HaYam Shabbaton Retreat October 19, 2013

Ruach HaYam Shabbaton Retreat October 19, 2013

SG_OT_304_Crossing_the_Red_Sea no copywrite
Collegiate Church of San Gimignano, Italy, 1356.  Israelites safely cross the Red Sea; Pharaoh and his troops are drowned.

Ruach HaYam, Congregation Am Tikva, and Keshet collaborate to present a full day Shabbat retreat for LGBTQ Jews and friends and family.  Refresh your spirit and make new friends in this fabulous day of egalitarian davening, creative and thoughtful workshops, and delicious food.  We close out the Shabbat retreat with Havdalah and live Klezmer music for dancing.  Retreat is directed by Penina Weinberg and co-sponsored by Congregation Eitz Chayim and StudywithPenina.

Shabbaton Retreat takes place at Congregation Eitz Chayim, 136 Magazine Street, Cambridge, MA 02139. Please note that pre-registration is required.  Fee for the full day, including two meals, is $36, with sliding scale options.  See registration form for details.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER:  (you will be taken to Keshet webpage)

Please like and join the Ruach HaYam group on facebook to be updated.

Ruach HaYam is the Spirit of the Sea – is Miriam, Moses, and the mixed multitude, for the first time crossing over, transcending boundaries. There is a narrow and dangerous, but miraculous, parting of the sea – a point of transition between the known past (Egypt) and the unknown future (the desert and eventually the Land of Israel).
We are Jews (and friends and family) of all gender identities and expressions, rearranging and transcending our boundaries.  Ruach HaYam also calls to mind how near we are to the sea in New England.

(see below for faculty and leader biographies)


9:30 am to 11:30 – Led by members of Congregation Am Tikva


Noon to 1:30 pm


1:30 to 3:00 – Laurie Wolfe – Gender Detours, Destinations, and other True Stories
We picked a direction, we moved, we made changes, and now we are where? Are we in the place we thought we’d be? Are we truly in a different place? Are we where we’re supposed to be, and if not, what would that look like? Do we know at this point? Have we picked a new direction (or changed a prior one)? Did God, HaShem, Shekinah, Adonai play a part in your journey? And has your relationship to spirit or ritual changed and in what ways?  We will explore these questions through both listening to stories and telling our own.

3:00 to 3:45 – break

3:45 to 5:15 – Marla Brettschneider –  Smashing Binaries:  Golda Meir
The Golda Meir you never knew and who queers need. In this workshop we will explore Golda Meir’s radical legacy for us in a queer Jewish context. We will look at the ways that Meir smashed overlapping binaries central to Jewish life and thought in such areas as diaspora and queer theories. Participants might want to utilize Meir’s intense life experience to explore together the many ways in which we are still constricted by binary gender expectations and to look at strategies to more constructively challenge and accept them with ourselves and each other.

Third meal
5:15 to 6:30

6:30 to 7:00 – Havdalah Service Leader – Jeremy Sher
7:00 to 8:30 – Live Klezmer music and dancing – Shana Aisenberg
Shana will be playing traditional Eastern European klezmer music on violin and other instruments for dancing. Shana invites other musicians to play and/or sing along. Feel free to bring an instrument and even your own songs. Some music notation will be available.


Shabbaton Retreat Director

Penina Weinberg
Penina Weinberg is an independent biblical scholar who serves as president of Congregation Eitz Chayim in Cambridge, MA, and on the Boston Keshet community events committee. Her Masters Degree at Hebrew College concentrated on women-centered readings of biblical texts. Her studying and teaching focus a queer lens on the intersection of power and politics in the Hebrew Bible. Penina teaches at her synagogue, at other Boston area shuls, and at Nehirim and Keshet.



Congregation Am Tikva
Congregation Am Tikva began in 1976 to provide a safe and welcoming space for GLBT Jews to pray together and to socialize. It created its own gender-neutral prayerbooks and customs for Friday evening services, the high holidays, and special events, such as the Erev Pride Liberation Seder. Am Tikva is a mixture of genders and sexualities who come from a variety of Jewish backgrounds. The services reflect that variety. Am Tikva offers two Friday evening services a month, one more contemporary and one more traditional, as well as High Holiday services, and celebrations of other queer and Jewish holidays.
Keshet is a national grassroots organization that works for the full equality and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Jews in Jewish life. Led and supported by LGBT Jews and straight allies, Keshet strives to cultivate the spirit and practice of inclusion in all parts of the Jewish community. What began as a small, grassroots group working for change in the Greater Boston area, is are now a national organization with offices in the Bay Area and Denver, in addition to the national office in Boston


Faculty and Leaders (in order of appearance)

Laurie WolfeBilicious_LaurieWolfe_100px
Laurie Wolfe is a writer, poet, performer, activist, speaker, trainer and an alternative healer of people and pets. Laurie has appeared in Bilicious Boston 2 and 3; Boundless: Body Verse, and the VDay Boston productions of The Vagina Monologues. She’s emceed Trew Tales, Keshet’s LGBTQ/Jewish Open Mic about our gender journeys. She’s been a trainer for SpeakOut Boston and is on the MTPC (Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition) Training Committee. She will be appearing in Bilicious Boston 4 at Club Café on November 8th and 9th.


Marla Brettschneider Marla
Dr. Marla Brettschneider is Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of New Hampshire with a joint appointment in Political Science and Women’s Studies. She is founder and past Coordinator of Queer Studies and has long been serving as Coordinator of Women’s Studies. Marla has written widely on Jewish politics, queer and other diversity matters. Her most recent book The Family Flamboyant: Race Politics, Queer Families, Jewish Lives (SUNY 2006) won an IPPY (Independent Book Publishers Award) in the GLBT category.  Her workshop today is from her current project on the revolutionary legacies of Jewish feminist political thinkers and activists.


Jeremy Sher
Jeremy Sher is a rabbinical student at Organic Torah Institute and is studying for his M.Div. at Harvard Divinity School.  He currently serves as Student Rabbi at Congregation Eitz Chayim.  He has taught extensively in the Jewish community in New England and Seattle, including at Keshet and Isabella Freedman.  He lives in Cambridge, where he is a dedicated Freemason and an avid cyclist.


ShanaShana Aisenberg
Shana Aisenberg is an acoustic multi-instrumentalist, composing, playing, recording and teaching diverse styles from traditional Appalachian, Celtic and New England contradance music to eastern European Klezmer, Balkan, blues, jazz and classical. She sings and plays a wide array of stringed instruments including fiddle, mandolin, bouzouki, acoustic guitar, banjo, fretted dulcimer, ukulele, and frame drums. Shana often performs with her partner Beverly Woods in the duo String Equinox. Shana has recently embarked on Cantorial studies, and is truly enjoying her return to being a redhead!


CLICK HERE TO REGISTER:  (you will be taken to Keshet webpage)