I am very excited to be teaching at Brookline Community Beit Midrash
5 week series between Pesach and Shavuot
4/8/13, 4/15/13, 4/22/13 (self-study on 4/29/13), 5/6/13, 5/13/13
I’m calling the series Reading Ruth as Tapestry. We will engage in a close reading of the Book of Ruth, making meaning as though we were weaving a tapestry. Our warp consists of the major themes: Ruth and Shavuot; David’s ancestors; individuals in relationship to community and the divine. Our woof contains the modes of interpretation: our own reading; the Sages; modern – including feminist, queer and traditional; woodcut art. Study will be multi level and accessible to all.
The Brookline Community Beit Midrash (BCBM) is a warm and welcoming, non-denominational community of engaged and committed learners who meet weekly at Congregation Kehillath Israel on Monday nights, 7-9pm. BCBM believes that an energized learning atmosphere leads to a stronger community, new friendships, and a deeper connection to our Jewish tradition. BCBM is centered on the principle that Torah should be accessible to all who wish to learn.
For information on the Brookline Community Beit Midrash, you may
- Visit their Facebook page www.facebook.com/groups/477732815625747/
- Join their email list by visiting https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/brookline-community-beit-midrash or emailing them at brooklinebeitmidrash@gmail.com