In preparation for reading Chapters 4-5, think about this:
“Three stages characterize the solidification of David’s ascension to power as Israel’s second king: the elimination of rivals, principally from the house of Sha’ul, the establishment of a capital, and the subduing of external enemies. The accomplishment of the first is marred by three violent deaths: one in battle (David’s nephew Asa’el), one standing by a gate (Sha’ul’s general Avner), and one in bed “Sha’ul’s son Ish-Boshet). All three are stabbed in the heart. While David absolves himself of these events, and we are inclined to believe him, the conclusion is inescapable: that, as Polzin (1993) points out, kingship in Israel is ‘a major cause of frequent fratricide on a tribal or national level.’ It is a pattern that will be repeated in the second half of the book, within the royal house itself.” – Everett Fox Give us a King pp 153